I worked on Komatsu throughout the project with a slew of different artists, so here goes trying to catch them all. Thanks to Jeff Lester, Anton Gonzalez, Phillip Jenné, Emilio Gandin, Dongjoon Lee, Blake Mead, Lisa Liao, Joanna Wang, and Zack Cheng. Shout out to Ian Chiew for his incredible concept direction. And thanks to anyone I forgot :).
I was responsible for helping in everything ranging from town layout, terrain sculpting, terrain painting, grass painting, architecture sets (base models through to modular sets), asset creation, interior and exterior set dressing, cloth simulation, and mission assistance. Shown here is a small selection of key areas that I helped refine later in the project.
One of my main focuses was the master smith building and forge. Phillip Jenné helped get the roof material looking right, and Anton Gonzalez helped make sure the building continued to be watertight throughout iteration.